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shook
her
hand
the
dog
licked
y
hand
english
teacher
very
strict
shall
for
nch
now?
how
did
your
arents
choose
your
na?
does
your
have
any
secial
ang?
your
unual
your
untry?
you
uld
change
your
na,
would
you?
i'?
not
hungry
what
did
you
have
eakfast?
had
ead
egg
and
a
ffee
hello,
y
fellow
cssates!
y
qgcheng
today
i’
gog
tell
you
a
story
about
“bad
teer”哦,the
story
a
little
bit
sick
you
feel
sick,
toilet
are
you
ready?
now
the
story
begs:
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